Project Overview
Verhasselt Farms has enlisted Fox Structures to build a number of their agricultural buildings over the years. So when the farm planned to add special equipment to process manure, they turned to the commercial construction team again to help build a structure that would house the equipment.
The equipment separates the solids from dried manure, which becomes a soft, fibrous and non-odorous material used for bedding for their dairy cows.
“It’s a kind of renewable bedding that we wanted to switch to as a bedding source, and it’s really a comfortable bedding—the cows love it,” said Ken Verhasselt, co-owner. “It was an effort to try to recycle the manure and make the cows more comfortable.”
The building required high side walls and an open-spanned structure to accommodate the placement of the equipment, Verhasselt said.
“Fox Structures was great to work with,” he said. “They were helpful in facilitating sizes and adjustments that we needed to make. Between ourselves, the equipment people and Fox Structures, it was a good collaboration.”
The building was completed in summer 2023.
Project Features
- Separating facility for manure
- Steel building on concrete slab
Project Details
W872 Golden Glow Road
Freedom, WI 54130
- 12’ high concrete side walls
- Clear-span interior
- 72’ x 120’ building