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Malone, WI

Redtail Ridge Dairy

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Project Overview

After constructing almost a dozen agricultural buildings on Redtail Ridge’s 1,250-cow dairy, Fox Structures proved to be a go-to source for the family farm’s expansion projects. When they had an immediate need for a new and improved calf barn, Fox Structures not only assembled extra crew members to complete the job in just one month, they worked strategically to keep the farm operating as much as possible during construction. The new barn comfortably houses up to 180 calves and features a new pen design allowing for easy mechanical cleanup. Additionally, Fox Structures designed and installed a custom tunnel ventilation system for better overall air quality management and temperature control.

Project Features

  • Innovative calf pen layout
  • Spacious easy-clean design
  • Tunnel ventilation system

Project Details


W3388 Ledge Road
Malone, WI


  • 180 calf pens
  • 60’ x 120’ barn
“We’ve used Fox Structures for all of the construction projects on our farm including a milking parlor, heifer barn, shop with wash bay and many free-stall barns. Each time, we have found their crews to be dependable, timely and always producing high-quality work. They are easy to get along with and particular about details. We have appreciated their flexibility when changes needed to be made. I would recommend Fox Structures.”
Tyler Thome
Owner, Redtail Ridge Dairy

Ready to Start Building?

Contact us to request a proposal, share your project vision, or learn more about our services.
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